Trattoria Breve has requested a look into our medicine cabinets. Since I'm the kind of girl that loves to peek in other's lives, I figure its only fair if I let you peek into mine too.
Now when i was a teenager my medicine cabinet consisted of either the top of my dresser or one of the many shelves in my room. When i moved out at the age of 20 and moved into my soon to be hubby's first house he did not have a medicine cabinet in the bathroom. All my girly products had to find homes either in a drawer, a cabinet or the top of the bathroom sink counter. This scenario followed me through to our first condo together, then our apartment and finally our second house. It was at this house that I had finally decided that Canada must have a problem with medicine cabinets, since i had never seen one in any of our houses or any of our friends and family. On a trip to Home Depot however I finally found some, and promptly purchased two, much to my husbands chargin. I couldn't wait for him to get them installed so i could arrange all of our stuff in them. I was like a kid in a candy store...totally giddy with excitement. A year and a half later we moved out of that house and into our current house, again a house without a medicine cabinet. We were able to take one of the medicine cabinets from our former home with us, but as we were moving into a three bathroom home, i NEEDED two more. So i quickly went out to Home Depot and got me a few more lol.
So without further adeiu here are my medicine cabinets. First the cabinet in our half bath downstiars. This one is mostly full of kids medicines so i don't need to run all the way upstiars for drugs when one of the kiddos is sick.
Next we have the medicine cabinet from the kids bathroom upstairs. Again mostly full of medicine lol. I have four kids...they tend to get sick often, espeically in the winter. We like to be prepared.
Which brings me to the medicine cabinet in our master bath. Between my husband and I we have a lot of stuff. Meds and things that don't get used too often mostly are kept in here. All of my daily used stuff get shoved in a drawer, while the rest of my stuff is kept in a cabinet below the drawer. Yes even with three medicine cabinets i still don't have neough room for all my stuff.
Now its your turn. Show me whats in your medicine cabinet, and no cleaning it first!!